Citation - Connecticut Gazette-New London: 1778.02.27

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Index Entry Drummers, in Brandwine and Germantown, British casualties 
Location Brandywine 
27 Feb 1778:23 (15/746)
London, Dec. 12.  The following returns were made to the
British Minister, by Gen. Howe.
Return of the killed, wounded, and missing in the general
engagement with the rebel army, on the heights of Brandy-
Wine, Sept. 11, 1777.
British, 3 Captains, . . . killed;
. . . 35 Serjeants, 4 Drummers, 372 Rank and File wounded, 6
Rank and File missing.
. . . 
Return of the killed, wounded, and missing in the general
engagement at Germantown, in Pennsylvania, on the 4th day of
October, 1777.
Total British, 2 Lieutenant-Colonels, 2 Ensigns, 7
Serjeants, 1 Drummer, 58 Rank and File killed.  1
Lieutenant-Colonel, 6 Captains, 13 Lieutenants, 10 Ensigns,
23 Serjeants, 1 Drummer, 372 Rank and File wounded.  1
Captain, 13 Rank and File, missing.
Return of the killed, wounded, prisoner, and missing, during
an excursion to Jersey, from the 12th to the 16th of
September, 1777.
8 Rank and File killed; 1 Lieutenant, 17 Rank and File
wounded; 1 Drummer, 9 Rank and File missing; 5 Rank and File
taken prisoners.
Return of the killed, wounded, and missing, of the troops in
the storm of Forts Clinton and Montgomery, October 6, 1777.
Total. 1 Lieut. Colonel, 2 Majors, 1 Captain, 2 Lieutenants,
1 Ensign, 5 Serjeants, 1 Drummer, 125 Rank and File,
wounded; 5 Rank and File missing.

Generic Title Connecticut Gazette-New London 
Date 1778.02.27 
Publisher Green, Timothy 
City, State New London, CT 
Year 1778 
Bibliography B0014306
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