Citation - Constitutional Gazette: 1775.12.23

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Index Entry Drummer, in Boston, British, struck in anger by General Burgoyne 
Location Boston 
23 Dec 1775:31 (42)
General Lee's letter to General Burgoyne, On his Departure
for England.
Camp at Prospect Hill, Dec. l, l775. . . Would you, Sir, if
in the heat of passion you had struck a simple drummer of
your regiment, and afterwards discovered that you had done
it unjustly, think it any forfeiture of your dignity to
acknowledge the wrong?  No, I am well acquainted with your
disposition, you would ask him pardon at the head of your
regiment. . .

Generic Title Constitutional Gazette 
Date 1775.12.23 
Publisher Anderson, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0015477
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