Citation - Continental Journal: 1777.04.03

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Index Entry Drummers, in New York, British casualties 
Location New York 
3 Apr 1777:31,32,33 (45)
Extract of a letter from Gen. Sir William Howe, to Lord
George Germaine, dated New York, December 3, 1776.
   I have the honour to inclose to your lordship a return of
the ordinance and stores taken from the enemy since the
landing his majesty's troops at Frog's Neck, in West-Chester
county, from the 12th of October to the 20th of November
. . . [14 lines.  Casualties] In the action at Pelham's
Manor, on the 18th of October, and in previous skirmishes,
from the 17th of September, inclusive.
   British:  17th Regiment of light dragoons.  1 drummer
1st Battalion of light infantry. . . [4 lines] 1 drummer or
trumpeter wounded. . . [8 lines] 
Royal Artillery. . . [4 lines] 1 drummer or trumpeter
wounded.  1 drummer, 3 rank and file missing. . . [10 lines]

   In the action of October 28, in passing the Bronx's
River, and in previous skirmishes, from the 19th of October
inclusive. . . [20 lines] 
49th ditto.  1 drummer, 1 rank and file missing. . . [10
lines] . . .
   In the attack of the 16th of November, when the rebel
lines and redoubts near Fort Washington were stormed and
that for surrendered, &c. with other casualties since the
29th of October, & proceeding the 16th of November. 
British  17th Regiment of dragoons. [4 lines] 1 drummer
wounded. . . [16 lines]  Total . . . [3 lines] 1 drummer
wounded. . .
   Hessian Corps, &c. . .  [19 lines]
Rall.  1 drummer, 2 rank and file killed. . . [8 lines]
Total. . . [3 lines] 1 drummer killed. . .

Generic Title Continental Journal 
Date 1777.04.03 
Publisher Gill, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1777 
Bibliography B0015588
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