Citation - Continental Journal: 1778.07.23

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Index Entry Deserter, American fifer, named Patterson, John 
Location Roxbury 
23 Jul 1778:33 (113)
Forty dollars reward.  Deserted from my company, in Col.
Greaton's regiment, while in Albany, John Patterson, fifer,
inlisted for the town of Roxbury--19 years of age, 5 feet 7
inches high, light complexion, short light hair. . . [7
lines, 3 other deserters]
'Tis hoped that every friend to his country will exert
themselves in taking up those public robbers, and convey
them in some public goal, for which they shall receive the
above reward, or ten dollars for either of them--by me,
[signed] Joseph Williams, Capt.  Continental Village, June
28, 1778.

Generic Title Continental Journal 
Date 1778.07.23 
Publisher Gill, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1778 
Bibliography B0015656
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