Citation - Continental Journal: 1779.02.25

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Index Entry Dancing, in Boston, cost of Assembly debate greater than cost of dances 
Location Boston 
25 Feb 1779:22 (144)
Mr. Gill,  There was a very important and interesting debate
brought on the last week in a certain August Assembly--it
was upon the subject of dancing--and it is said was
introduced through the means of a certain Reverend Doctor,
not far from Jamaica Plains.  You are therefore requested to
give the following Queries a place in your Journal:
   Query 1st.  Whether the probably expence incur'd to
Government by this debate, is not equal to the expences of
all the balls and assemblies that have, or are likely to
take place the present year throughout the State?
   2d. Whether the state, as well as the gentlemen and
ladies of the town of Boston, are not much obliged to the
meddling clergyman abovementioned for introducing this
business to the General Assembly?
   3d. Whether there is not business of the greatest
importance to be transacted in the present sessions of the
General Assembly?  And whether the community at large have
not a right, or ought not in reason to suspect the good
intentions of that man who endeavors to take off the
Government's attention from matters of the greatest
importance, and to amuse it upon so frivolous a subject as
that of fiddling and dancing. [signed] A Country

Generic Title Continental Journal 
Date 1779.02.25 
Publisher Gill, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0015687
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