Citation - Connecticut Journal: 1768.01.22

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Index Entry Choir, in London, Westminster Abbey, at burial of Duke of York 
Location London 
22 Jan 1768:12, 13 (14)
[London] Nov. 4.  Last night the body of his royal highness
Edward Duke of York and Albany, was privately interred in
the royal vault in King Henry the second's chapel, at
Westminster, the body having been conveyed to the Prince's
chamber the night before.
  Between nine and ten the process began to move . . . Drums
and trumpets sounding a solemn march, with banners attached
to them, adorned with naval trophies, the drums covered with
  The serjeant trumpeter. . . [order of the procession]
  At the entrance of Westminster Abby, within the church,
the dean and prebendaries, attended by the choir, received
the body, falling into the procession next before Norroy
King in Arms, and so proceeded, singing, into King Henry the
seventh's chapel . . . 

Generic Title Connecticut Journal 
Date 1768.01.22 
Publisher Green, Thomas and Samuel 
City, State New Haven, CT 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0014624
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