Citation - Connecticut Journal: 1769.08.25

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Index Entry Barking, taught by Ramshorn, Toby, in satire on singing teacher 
Location New Haven 
25 Aug 1769:42,43 (97)
This may certify all whom it may concern, that the art of
barking is taught by Toby Ramshorn, bell-weather of the
flock at G-l-d. . . [6 more lines] Old Toby, instructs, at
the lowest price, in all the various ways of barking,
teaches to bark by note, both treble, tenor and bass, and is
preparing a treatise upon the subject of barking. . . [11
more lines] who with all possible cheapness and diligence
will teach him the exercise of the windpipe.

Generic Title Connecticut Journal 
Date 1769.08.25 
Publisher Green, Thomas and Samuel 
City, State New Haven, CT 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0014702
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