Citation - Connecticut Journal: 1770.10.19

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Index Entry Dance, Indians, Passamaquady, on beach for visit of Lord Campbell 
Location Compo Bello 
19 Oct 1770:43 (157)
Boston. Extract of a letter from the Bay of Fundy in the
Province of Nova-Scotia, August 12, 1770.
His Excellency Lord William Campbell in his Majesty's ship
Senegal, commanded by Sir Thomas Rich, Baronet, arrived this
day at the island of Compo Bello, commonly called
Passmaquady, in his tour which he is making round the
western district of the province. . . [Description of
meeting with the Passmaquady tribe of Indians, including]. .
.  went to Point Pleasant, where the whole Passmaquady tribe
were encamped, and were received with the greatest
demonstrations of joy, the English colours flying, and a
general discharge of musquetry. . . [4 more lines] In the
evening when his Lordship departed, the whole encampment was
illuminated; and after a general discharge of musquetry, the
dance of joy continued on the beach, whilst his Excellency
continued in view.

Generic Title Connecticut Journal 
Date 1770.10.19 
Publisher Green, Thomas and Samuel 
City, State New Haven, CT 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0014760
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