Citation - Connecticut Journal: 1773.01.08

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Index Entry Music, in London, in procession of new Lord Mayor 
Location London 
8 Jan 1773:223 (273)
[News from London] Nov. 10.  Yesterday afternoon, at half
past eleven o'clock, the new Lord Mayor, the old Lord Mayor,
Aldermen Stephenson, Crosby, Sawbridge, Bull, Plumer, the
two sheriffs, the Common Sarjeant, the two city council, and
other city officers, went from Guildhall, the mercers and
merchant taylors companies marching before them, with music
playing, and colours flying to Queenhithe where they took
water to go up to Westminster; on their way thither, they
were attended by the several city companies in their
respective barges, adorned with pendants and streamers. .

Generic Title Connecticut Journal 
Date 1773.01.08 
Publisher Green, Thomas and Samuel 
City, State New Haven, CT 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0014868
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