Citation - Connecticut Journal: 1774.04.08

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Index Entry Dirge, in New Haven, citizens urged to sing, in sadness 
Location New Haven 
8 Apr 1774:21, 22 (338)
From the Connecticut Courant.  A LAMENTATION FOR NEW-HAVEN,
CHAP.I.   Thou! who are lately aspired to be a city, the
chief among the towns, of that flourishing colony of
Connecticut, fertile in soil, happy in her distinguishing
liberties and immunities. [43 more lines expressing grief,
and sadness]  Sing a dirge over her fall! . . . [33 more
lines of lamentation]

Generic Title Connecticut Journal 
Date 1774.04.08 
Publisher Green, Thomas and Samuel 
City, State New Haven, CT 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0014930
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