Citation - Connecticut Journal: 1774.05.06

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Index Entry Bond, runaway Negro, took fiddle 
Location Canaan 
6 May 1774:43 (342)
Twenty dollars reward.  Ranaway from the subscriber, of
Canaan, in Litchfield County, a Negro named Bond, about 27
years old, about six feet high, one of his upper fore teeth
broke out, this country born, stutters a little, had a
fiddle with him but understands little the use of it. . .
[10 more lines describing Bond's clothing and horse he took
with him] [signed] Timothy Hurlbutt. Canaan, May 2, 1774. .
. [3 more lines forbidding sailing masters from transporting
Bond plus 3 more lines announcing jailing of a Negro who fit
Bond's description]

Generic Title Connecticut Journal 
Date 1774.05.06 
Publisher Green, Thomas and Samuel 
City, State New Haven, CT 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0014934
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