Citation - Connecticut Journal: 1775.08.09

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Index Entry Drummer, in Middletown, 80 years old, in militia company of older men 
Location Middletown 
9 Aug 1775:33 (408)
Hartford, August 7.  We hear from Middletown, that some time
since a number of respectable senior gentlemen, near 60,
formed themselves into a company for attaining the military
art--they have met every Monday since, and have got to a
degree of perfection in the art, & resolute, and determined
to preserve the liberty of their country, at the hazard of
their lives.  What is still more remarkable, their drummer
is upwards of 80 years of age, and as much engaged, and
alert, as any young lad. . . [4 lines]

Generic Title Connecticut Journal 
Date 1775.08.09 
Publisher Green, Thomas and Samuel 
City, State New Haven, CT 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0015001
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