Citation - Connecticut Journal: 1779.04.28

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Index Entry Drummers, in Egg Harbour, lost in wreck of Mermaid 
Location Egg Harbour 
28 Apr 1779:13,21 (602)
Extracts from several letters written by persons who may be
depended on in Martinico. . . [21 lines of letters dated
February 25 and March 6, 52 lines of letter dated March 9] 
Last Thursday came to this city sundry prisoners saved from
the Mermaid, which was lately stranded near Egg Harbour. . .
[29 more lines describing stranding of the ship] List of
persons on board the ship Mermaid, capt Snowball, from
Halifax to New York, Perished] Capt. Snowball, master of the
ship.--Lieut. Snodgrass, of Eight Second light company.--112
serjeants, drums and privates.--Thirteen women--Seven
children--eleven sailers.--Total 145.

Generic Title Connecticut Journal 
Date 1779.04.28 
Publisher Green, Thomas and Samuel 
City, State New Haven, CT 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0015196
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