Citation - Connecticut Journal: 1782.01.03

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Index Entry Beardsley, Ebenezer, sells Watts's Psalms and Hymns [t], Newburyport edition 
Location New Haven 
3 Jan 1782:42 (740)
Abel Morse informs the public, that he has lately purchased
an edition of Watts's Psalms and Hymns, printed at Newbury-
Port, which he warrants to be correct, and he will sell them
very reasonably by the dozen, hundred, or groce.  A few
hundreds of the psalms are bound separate, and are ready for
sale; the psalms and hymns will be bound together, and ready
for subscribers and others by the last of January next.  Any
society, or bookseller, that will subscribe for three or
four dozen, shall have them as low as they can be had in
Boston by the groce.
  N.B. Subscriptions will be taken in by Doct. Ebenezer
Beardsley, and Doct. John Goodrich, of New-Haven, who has
the psalms for sale.  Also testaments, spelling-books, and
primers by the dozen, &c. 
  N.B. Said psalms and hymns are particular adapted to
American worship, and meet with the approbation of divines
in general. 

Generic Title Connecticut Journal 
Date 1782.01.03 
Publisher Green, Thomas and Samuel 
City, State New Haven, CT 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0015332
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