Citation - East Florida Gazette: 1783.03.01

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Index Entry Bell, in St Augustine, rung for opening of market 
Location St Augustine 
22 Feb-1 Mar 1783:41,42,43 (1/5)
Extract of the Principal Matters contained in the Policy
Act, assented to last sessions of the General Assembly of
this Province.
. . . [21 lines, rules about livestock, etc.] 
     No Negroes or slaves shall sit up, dance, &c. between
the hours of ten o'clock at night and seven in the morning,
without permission in writing from their masters, otherwise
to receive at the work house thirty-nine lashes. . . [40
     No butchers meat, fish or fowl, shall be sold . . . [4
lines] nor shall any provisions be offered to sale on the
Lord's day, nor upon other days before ringing of the bell,
at sunrise, under forfeiture of same, and twenty shillings;
nor shall any person making a trade to buy provisions to
retail again, not being cooked, buy before the ringing of
the bell, at nine of the clock, under the penalty of ten
shillings; . . . [71 more lines]

Generic Title East Florida Gazette 
Date 1783.03.01 
Publisher Wells, John, Jr. 
City, State St. Augustine, FL 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0015945
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