Citation - Essex Gazette: 1773.09.14

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Index Entry Astley's Riding School, Spanish horseman performs at 
Location London 
7-14 Sep 1773:261 (6/268)
London, June 28.  The Spaniard at Mr. Astley's Riding-
School, Westminster Bridge, exhibits surprising new feats of
activity; particularly he vaults once round over a garter 8
feet from the ground; also imitates a tennice-ball, on the
rebound, and ascends to the top of a perpendicular board,
being 16 feet high, and throws himself from it in the air,
turns once round, and fires a brace of pistols before he
returns to the ground, which amazing piece of activity is
allowed by all ranks of people, to be the greatest
performance in all of England.

Generic Title Essex Gazette 
Date 1773.09.14 
Publisher Hall, Samuel and Ebenezer 
City, State Salem, MA 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0016215
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