Citation - Essex Journal: 1775.03.29

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Index Entry Vinal, John, opens private school in Newburyport 
Location Newburyport 
29 Mar 1775:42 (2/67)
John Vinal, acquaints his friends that he intends to begin
his private school for youth of both sexes, on Monday the
third of April next, at 11 o'clock, A. M. at the room he
improved the last summer, nearly opposite Mr. Davenport's
Tavern, and from 5 to 7 o'clock, P.M, at the Town School-
house for those who can best attend in the afternoon.
  N.B. The said Vinal has a very genteel buffet (commonly
pronounced bowfat,] with a glass door to dispose of, very
cheap, for almost any pay that will suit the purchaser.

Generic Title Essex Journal 
Date 1775.03.29 
Publisher Lunt, E., and H. W. Tinges 
City, State Newburyport, MA 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0016370
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