Citation - Exeter Journal: 1778.09.22

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Index Entry Negro, runaway named Prince, plays violin 
Location Newington 
22 Sep 1778:41 (1/31)
Ran away from me the subscriber on the 14th instant, a Negro
man named Prince about twenty four years of age.  Had on
when he went away blue breeches, a good hatt, white
stockings, and a light colour'd coat, speaks good English,
and plays on a violin, limps on his left leg.  Whoever shall
take up said Negro and secure him in any of the states
goals, shall have ten dollars reward, & all the necessary
charges paid, giving me timely notice.
Sept. 16, 1778   Joseph Pattinson of Newington.

Generic Title Exeter Journal 
Date 1778.09.22 
Publisher Fowle, Z. 
City, State Exeter, NH 
Year 1778 
Bibliography B0016564
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