Citation - Exeter Journal: 1779.02.02

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Index Entry Drums, in Poughkeepsie, beat for new year 
Location Poughkeepsie 
[2] February 1779:13 (1/50)
Poughkeepsie, January 4.  On Friday morning the 1st instant,
in order to celebrate the commencement of the third year of
American Independency, and freedom from the usurpation and
tyranny of Great Britain, a number of refugees (from the
invaded city of New York,) and other patriotic loyal friends
to the United States, assembled on the green before the
venerable Dutch church in this town, with drums beating and
the American colours display'd, where, in honor of the
United States, they fired 13 discharges of cannon and gave
three cheers, which they repeated in commemoration of
American Independency. . . [12 more lines]

Generic Title Exeter Journal 
Date 1779.02.02 
Publisher Fowle, Z. 
City, State Exeter, NH 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0016579
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