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10 Oct 1781:32 (25)
Household furniture and books. On Friday morning, the 12th
instant, (Oct.) at ten o'clock, will be sold by public
vendue, at the house of Mr. Charles Stedman, in Second-
street, next to the corner of Spruce-street, a variety of
household furniture; . . . [3 lines listing items]
And at six o'clock on the same evening, at the same place,
will be sold by Mr. Robert Bell, auctioneer, a valuable and
well chosen library, in English and French; consisting of
divinity, law, history, essays, poetry, plays, novels, &c.
&c. Catalogues of which may be seen at the Coffee-house,
Mr. Bell's bookstore, and the place of sale.
Should the weather prove bad, the sale will be postponed
till Monday, the 15th, at ten in the morning.