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23 Jan 1782:32, 33 (40)
A theatre is established for the winter in the city of New-
York; but although that place abounds with families of rank,
taste and fortune, (as we have been told) it is not able to
support a regular company of actors. To supply their place,
the gentlemen of the army, giving up the vain project of
conquering America, have turned fiddlers, pipers, dancers
and stage-players, gratis. Mr. Rivington sells fiddles,
flutes, bagpipes, hautboys, clarinets, fifes, French horns
and Jews Harps; so that, let what will happen in the spring,
they seem determined to pipe away the winter as merrily as
so many crickets. It is further added, that a certain
gentleman at present in New-York, well known for his
delicate taste in belle lettres studies, is engaged in
writing a Tragedy for speedy presentation, entitled, The
Siege of York-Town, in Virginia. By some specimens, it is
thought this piece will melt the most obdurate hearts, and
draw tears from the eyes of blind men.
A piece of poetical entertainment having been inserted in
our paper of the 19th ult. Mr. Rivington has been obliging
enough to copy part of it into his Gazette of the 5th
instant, with a parody, said to be the production of that
wolf in sheep's cloathing, Parson Odell. It is entitled,
The Temple of Cloacina; a regard to common decency, however,
will not permit us to return Mr. Rivington's compliment:
But we beg leave to recommend a new title for that parody,
viz. Rivington's Royal Portable Soup Thoroughly Digested.
By their earnest addresses to Cloacina, the poor New-York
gentlemen must be in a most deplorable habit of body:
Cloacina! hear their prayer,
Make that dirty crew thy care;
Lodge them, Goddess, every man,
Prisoners in thy close-stool pan.