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23 Jan 1782:33 (40)
Mr. Quesnay begs leave to inform the ladies and gentlemen of
this city, that the masters of the Academy will attend for
the instructions of the ladies in dancing, at the
Freemason's Lodge, in Lodge-Alley. from the hours of nine to
twelve in the forenoon, and from two to five in the
afternoon. An evening school for the gentlemen will be held
at the sign of the White Horse, in Chesnut-street, from six
to nine in the evening. The present places of instruction
are only for a few weeks, when the director expects to be
provided with a spacious and elegant house fit for the
reception of all the scholars. All entertainments in public
will be held at Southwark Academy.
Rules to be observed in the French Academy.
1. All business respecting the Academy must be transacted
personally with Mr. Quesnay.
2. Attendance by the different masters will be given three
times a week; which appointed periods will be subjoined.
3. No person will be received as a scholar, unless
recommended by some gentlemen of character.
4. It is to be understood, that with respect to gentlemen of
the Army, their commissions, on being produced, will serve
as a recommendation.
5. No more than 12 will be admitted to the classes of the
different languages, nor exceeding 24 to a sett in dancing,
drawing, or fencing.
6. Any master improperly treating his scholar, or student
insulting his tutor, shall undergo such penalty as a
majority of the school he belongs to, shall think proper to
7. Any person after continuing the space of one year in said
academy shall have free access to the different schools
(drawing excepted) till he is perfected.
8. Any scholar absenting himself 3 times successively
(without a proper apology) will be complained of to his
guardian or family.
9. A free public night for dancing as well for gentlemen as
ladies will be given regularly once in three weeks: the
number not exceeding 40 couple.
10. No gentleman to appear in the Academy with side of fire
arms, as there will be an office contiguous for the
reception of such articles, and a person appointed to answer
for their safe delivery.