Citation - Freeman's Journal: 1782.04.03

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Index Entry As Jove the Olympian (who, both I and you know [fl] 
Location Philadelphia 
3 Apr 1782:11, 12, 13 (50)
THE POLITICAL BALANCE; or, The Fates of Britain and America
Compared.  A Tale.
  Deciding fates, in Homer's stile, I shew, 
  And bring contending Gods once more to view.
As Jove the Olympian (who, both I and you know, 
Was brother of Neptune, and husband to Juno)
Was lately reviewing his papers of state, 
He happen'd to light on the records of Fate:
. . . [24 verses]
Her genius, a female, reclin'd in the shade, 
And, merely for music, so mournfully play'd, 
That Jove was uneasy to hear her complain, 
And order'd his blacksmith to loosen her chain:
. . . [33 more verses]

Generic Title Freeman's Journal 
Date 1782.04.03 
Publisher Bailey, Francis 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0016662
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