Citation - Freeman's Journal: 1782.08.28

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Index Entry Bell's Book Store, sells School for Scandal [t] (Sheridan), and other plays 
Location Philadelphia 
28 Aug 1782:42 (2/71)
An entire new work.  Now selling at Bell's book-store, near
St. Paul's church, in Third-street, Philadelphia, (price,
one dollar)
The real and genuine School for Scandal.
A Comedy.  Acted with bursts of applause, at the theatres in
London and Dublin.
Written by Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Esq.
Hold the mirror up to nature, and shew vice its own image. .
. [8 lines, Raynal's Revolution]
  Also, variety of curious and useful books, in history,
divinity, voyages, travels, poetry, plays, novels and
entertainment, with Latin and Greek classics, &c.

Generic Title Freeman's Journal 
Date 1782.08.28 
Publisher Bailey, Francis 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0016683
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