Citation - Freeman's Journal: 1783.10.01

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Index Entry Bristow, runaway Negro, plays violin, drum 
Location Brig Tartar 
1 Oct 1783:43 (3/128)
Twenty dollars reward, Ran away from on board the brig
Tartar, belonging to Virginia, a Negro man, named Bristow,
the property of the subscriber; about twentyfive years of
age, five feet ten inches high, has a cut in his forehead,
pitted with the small pox, and lost several of his fore
teeth, had on a sailors blue jacket with white lining; he
was born on Long Island, he plays on the violin and beats
the drum, he was brought up to the sea, and perhaps may
attempt to ship himself for a seaman; has carried off with
him a quantity of wearing apparel, some silver spoons, and
sundry other things; he stutters very much when surprised. 
Whoever will apprehend said Negro man, and lodge him in the
work house or deliver him to Mr. Daniel Tyson, merchant, in
Water Street, shall receive the above reward. [signed] Wm.
Gibbons. . . [3 lines] Philadelphia, August 15, 1782.

Generic Title Freeman's Journal 
Date 1783.10.01 
Publisher Bailey, Francis 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0016740
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