Citation - Georgia Gazette (Johnston): 1768.03.09

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Index Entry Drum, in Savannah, in military discipline, Thomas Lee to teach use 
Location Savannah 
9 Mar 1768:41 (233)
The subscriber will teach the Military Discipline in all its
forms, viz.  The Short Exercise, Loading and Firing quick,
Platoon and Street firing, the different Facings, Wheeling
by grand divisions, the Evolutions, to form the Hollow
Square, the necessary salutes to general officers with
colours, pike, fusee, or drum, standing or marching, with
many other things too tedious to mention.  The terms to be
made known by [signed] Thomas Lee.

Generic Title Georgia Gazette (Johnston) 
Date 1768.03.09 
Publisher Johnston, James 
City, State Savannah, GA 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0017270
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