Citation - Georgia Gazette (Johnston): 1774.03.09

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Index Entry Fiddle, played by runaway Negro named Jack 
Location Savannah 
9 Mar 1774:21 (544)
Run away, a Negroe fellow, named Jack, about five feet eight
or nine inches high, of a yellow complexion, can saw with a
whipsaw and play a little on the fiddle, had on a brown
surtout coat, leather breeches, and a very fine hat, wears a
handkerchief around his head, had no shoes, but it's
supposed bought a pair of new ones as he had money with him;
it is thought he is gone to Carolina, where he was born. A
reward of thirty shillings will be given . . . [3 lines,
signed] Peter Johnson. Savannah, March 8, 1774.

Generic Title Georgia Gazette (Johnston) 
Date 1774.03.09 
Publisher Johnston, James 
City, State Savannah, GA 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0017398
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