Citation - Gazette of State of Georgia: 1783.06.05

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Index Entry Fife, played by runaway Negro named Hercules, makes and plays pipe as 
Location Savannah 
5 Jun 1783:42 (19)
Ran away from the subscriber in July 1779, and is supposed
to be in South Carolina or the back parts of this state, a
Negro man named Hercules, about 27 years of age, short and
remarkably stout, has a large mouth, speaks good English,
and is very fond of making and blowing a pipe in imitation
of a fife;  Whoever takes him up, and delivers him at the
Printing-Office, shall be handsomely rewarded by [signed]
James Johnston.  N.B. If he comes home he will be forgiven.

Generic Title Gazette of State of Georgia 
Date 1783.06.05 
Publisher Johnston, James 
City, State Savannah, GA 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0016780
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