Citation - Gazette of State of South Carolina: 1779.03.10

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Index Entry Abraham, runaway Negro, plays drum 
Location Charleston 
10 Mar 1779:32 (2127)
Twenty dollars reward.  Run away from the subscriber, on
Tuesday evening, the 9th of February inst. A Negro boy named
Abraham, about 16 years of age, 4 feet 10 inches high, he is
well made, likely, beats on the drum, is very artful and
active, and speaks remarkable good English; he was born in
Virginia, and formerly the property of Mr. Gadde, of
Halifax, in North Carolina.  He had on when he went away, a
black coat edged with white, pewter buttons, with No. 4 on
them, white cloth breeches, an orugabrugs shirt, and leather
cap; it is supposed he is lurking about the wharfs, or on
board of some vessel, as he is fond of the sea.  Whoever
takes up said boy, and delivers him to the subscriber, in
Dorchester, or to Mr. Job Colcock, in Charles-Town, shall
receive the above reward, with all reasonable expences. 
Twenty dollars more will be given on proof of his being
harboured by a white person, and ten dollars if by a Negro.
[signed] J. White

Generic Title Gazette of State of South Carolina 
Date 1779.03.10 
Publisher Timothy and Boden 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0016874
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