Citation - Independent Chronicle: 1780.05.04

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Index Entry Bells, in Boston, rung for arrival of La Fayette 
Location Boston 
4 May 1780:31 (12/610)
Boston, May 4. . . In this frigate came the Right Honorable
Marquis De La Fayette, who has so generously interested
himself in the cause of these states, and who has served it
with distinguished capacity and intrepidity -- He was
saluted by the castle, and from the fortress on fort-hill---
Soon after the ship came to anchor, the Marquis with his
suit were landed at Gen. Hancock's wharf, where he was
received with compliments and congratulations from the
principal gentlemen of the town, and escorted by a number of
the military, as well as other orders, with martial music,
to State-Street: the bells ringing, and the populace
testifying, in the most lively manner, their joy on this

Generic Title Independent Chronicle 
Date 1780.05.04 
Publisher Willis, Nathaniel 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1780 
Bibliography B0017788
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