Citation - Independent Chronicle: 1780.11.16

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Index Entry Coverly, Nathaniel, sells Tate and Brady's Psalm books, wholesale 
Location Boston 
16 Nov 1780:43 (13/638)
Nathaniel Coverly, between Seven-star lane and the sign of
the lamb, has for sale as cheap as can be bought in town,
Bayley's Dictionaries, . . . [10 lines, list of books.]
   Country shopkeepers and traders may be supply'd at the
above place, by the gross or dozen, with Low's,
Weatherwise's, and George's, Almanacks, testaments, spelling
books, pocket-books, primmers, Tate and Brady's Psalm-books.
. . [3 lines]

Generic Title Independent Chronicle 
Date 1780.11.16 
Publisher Willis, Nathaniel 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1780 
Bibliography B0017816
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