Citation |
29 Mar 1781:42 (13/657)
Ran away from his master in Suffield, on the evening of the
3d instant, a Negro man named Boston, about 27 years old,
had on when he went away a light brown broad cloth coat
which had been turned, a dark-brown broad cloth vest, a pair
of light-brown camblet breeches, white yarn stockings, and a
white holland ruffled shirt. Said Negro is about 5 feet 6
inches high, thick set, well built, speaks good English,
plays poorly on a violin, of a copper colour, whoever will
take up said Negro and return him to me, shall have 500
dollars reward, and all necessary charges paid, . . . [2
lines, signed] Shem Burbank. Suffield, Feb. 6. 1781.