Citation - Independent Chronicle: 1781.09.20

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Index Entry Gods of the Greeks [t], tune of lyric [beg] In the regions of light, at 
Location Boston 
20 Sep 1781:41 (14/682)
Tune, the Gods of the Greeks.
In the regions of light, at a banquet conven'd,
To review the American war;
And arrange the promotion of Liberty's sons, 
And their favourite, to place in Jove's car;
The old don full of humour, of goodness, and love,
And inclined to indulge them in mirth,
Desired they'd provide a commander, who'd prove,
That from Jove he derived his birth.
. . . [4 more verses, signed] Marlborough, 1781.

Generic Title Independent Chronicle 
Date 1781.09.20 
Publisher Willis, Nathaniel 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0017860
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