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15 Oct 1782:42 (32)
William Prichard, Bookseller and Stationer, Between Front
and Second Streets, In Market-Street, Opposite Laetitia-
Is happy to inform the generous encouragers of Literature,
That he has just published an additional Catalogue, to his
Circulating Library, And begs leave to assure them, that his
best endeavours will be used, to provide Food for the Mind,
the ensuing winter, Among many other valuable books for
sale, he has the following, viz. . . [List of books on
History, Botany, Arts and Sciences and Geography.] Novels
and Books of Establishment.
Spectator, Tatler, Guardian, Rambler, Peregrine Pickle, Tom
Jones, Roderick Random, Don Quixote, Gilblas, Female
Quixote, Rouselle's Letter, Persian and Peruvian Letters,
Pamela, Prince of Abyssinia, Bellesarius, Guiphantia, Ward's
Nuptial Dialogues, Triumph of Truth, Ovid's Art of Love,
Madame de Granson, Vicar of Wakefield, Longsword, Earl of
Salisbury, Viaud's Voyage, Tristram Shandy, Hawksworths
Telemachus, The Ladies Travels through Spain, Sterne's Works
complete, Muse in Good Humour, Julie de Roubigne, Deserted
Village, Magazines, Plays, Periodical Pamphlets, &c. &c. &c.
. . Stationary . . . Receipt and Copy Books, German Flutes,
and Music-Paper ruled and plain.