Citation |
8 Apr 1782:11 (4/205)
Messirs. Printers, As the following was written by a Mr.
John Moore, a Scotchman, from Vienna, about four years ago,
to his friend in London; and, as the book is but in few
hands, it cannot be unacceptable at this time to the
generality of your readers.
Our disputes with the colonies have been a prevailing
topick of conversation wherever we have been, since we left
England. . . [2/3 column]
We are apt to build our panegyrick of Old England on the
ruin and wretchedness of all other countries. --Italy is too
hot, the inns miserable, and the whole country swarms with
monks and other vermin. --In France the people are slaves
and coxcombs, the music execrable; --they boil their meat to
rags, and there is no porter and very little strong ale, in
the country. --In Germany, some of their Princes have little
more to spend than an English gentleman--they use stoves
instead of grates: they eat sour crout, and speak High
Dutch. --The Danes and Swedes are reminded, that they are
rather at too great a distance from the equator; and many
sly hints are given, concerning the inconveniencies of a
cold climate. . .