Citation - Independent Ledger: 1783.04.21

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Index Entry Hallam, Mr, brother of Mrs Mattocks 
Location London 
21 Apr 1783:31 (5/259)
London.  Feb. 8.  Mr. Hallam, brother to Mrs. Mattocks, has
lately had a letter from America, inviting him to the
direction of three theatres in the principle cities in
America, viz, New-York, Boston, and Philadelphia.  Mr.
Henry, joint manager with Mr. Hallam, is now in town,
raising some theatrical troops for the company, at handsome
salaries. --Mr. Hallam, at the beginning of the war, having
an intimation from Congress, that he and his company would
be dispensed with in America, went to the West-Indies, where
he has since mostly remained;  but the war being now over,
he has received a genteel invitation, to recompence him, in
some measure, for his honorary banishment.

Generic Title Independent Ledger 
Date 1783.04.21 
Publisher Draper and Folsom 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0018358
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