Citation - Independent Ledger: 1783.12.01

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Index Entry Acrostic, An [t] [beg] Great mighty chief, thy venerable name 
Location Boston 
1 Dec 1783:41 (6/304)
G reat mighty chief, thy venerable name,
E ver shall shine first on the roll of fame;
O f thee the ages yet unborn shall sing,
R esound thy praise, whilst Britain mourns her King.
G lory to the great leader of a train,
E ngag'd the cause of Freedom to maintain,
W hilst with thee blest, what tyrants need we fear,
A nd heaven in smiles bids thee a helm appear;
S lav'ry herself with all her infernal train,
H eartless appears, snaking her galling chain.
I mmortal honors shall thy name secure,
N ever to fail while sun and moon endure;
G reat heroes, Kings, to honour shall combine,
T he greatest, best, and worthiest of mankind,
O ld Greece and Rome, who mighty heroes sang,
N ever produc'd so great, so good a man.

Generic Title Independent Ledger 
Date 1783.12.01 
Publisher Folsom, John W. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0018390
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