Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1752.07.23

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Index Entry Ballad opera, Damon and Philida [t], to be performed in Annapolis 
Location Annapolis 
23 Jul 1752:22 (378)
By permission of his honour the President, at the New
Theatre, in Annapolis, by the company of comedians, on
Monday next, being the 27th of this instant July, will be
perform'd, a tragedy, call'd The London Merchant: Or, The
History of George Barnwell.
Likewise a ballad opera, call'd Damon and Philida.
To begin precisely at 7 o'clock.
Tickets to be had at the printing office.  Box 10s. Pit 7s.
6d. Gallery 5s. 
No persons to be admitted behind the scenes.

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1752.07.23 
Publisher Green, Jonas 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1752 
Bibliography B0018859
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