Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1756.07.29

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Index Entry Drum major, in London, in procession for declaration of war 
Location London 
29 Jul 1756:22 (586)
London, May 20.
The following was the Procession of the Declaration of War
against France.
The Officers of Arms, with the Serjeant at Arms, and
Trumpeters, mounted their horses in the Stable-Yard, St.
James's, and proceeding thence to the Palace Gate, Garter
Principal King of Arms read his Majesty's Declaration of
War, and Norroy King of Arms proclaim'd it aloud; which
being done, a procession was made to Charing-Cross, as
follows.  A Party of Horse Guards or Grenadiers to clear the
. . . Knight Marshal.  Drums.  Drum-Major. Trumpets.
Serjeant-Trumpeter in his Collar, bearing his Mace. . .
[Paragraph on repeat declarations follows]

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1756.07.29 
Publisher Green, Jonas 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1756 
Bibliography B0019067
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