Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1759.09.27

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Index Entry Bells, in Quebec, rung for church 
Location Quebec 
27 Sep 1759:22,23 (751)
Extract of a letter from a military officer, dated at King-
George Battery at Point Levee, near Quebec, August 13, 1759. 
I am now almost happy in seeing English batteries play upon
Quebec, as ours have done ever since the 12th of July. . .
[12 lines]  My glass is filled, which I design drinking to
the health and happiness of our friends in Boston, if the
French do not knock it out of my hands before I get it to my
mouth, for they have been a little troublesome this morning;
their bell has rung for prayers, which makes me believe it
is Sunday, therefore will send a few messengers to their
Church from our 32 pounders, knowing the French politeness,
that they always chuse to give way to strangers, especially
when they carry the broad-ax.  -- After the town is taken, I
come to Boston, have got a fine French horse, who knows how
to run when pushed, as well as his late master. . . 

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1759.09.27 
Publisher Green, Jonas 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1759 
Bibliography B0019232
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