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17 Sep 1761:21,22 (854)
James Rivington, bookseller and stationer from London, at
his store, the corner of Market and Front-streets, exactly
over against the London Coffee-House in Philadelphia, sells
by wholesale and retail, books in divinity, history, law,
physic, . . . [3 lines] also, novels, pamphlets, plays, &c.
Family bibles, and smaller ditto of several sorts,
testaments, books of devotion, psalters, primers and small
histories. . . [59 lines]
Also, this day is published (price 2/6) a new play,
call'd, The Jealous Wife; by one of the most ingenious
writers of the age, George Coleman, Esq; author of that
justly celebrated work, The Connoisseur. This comedy is
founded upon the circumstance of Sophia's Flight to Lady
Bellaston, in Tom Jones; Character, incident, conduct and
sentiment, exist in every page. It has run thro' three
editions in three weeks, and is esteemed the best dramatic
piece exhibited on the stage, since Dr. Hoadley's Suspicious
Sold by James Rivington, bookseller and stationer, . . .
Where may also be had, 100 different sorts of comedies and
tragedies; and the greatest variety of books and stationary
wares, wholesale and retail. Country shopkeepers will be
served upon the most reasonable terms. A compleat set of
London magazines, from it's first appearance 1732, to the
present time, in 29 volumes. . .