Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1762.09.09

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Index Entry Brian, Richard, runaway servant, plays violin, sings well 
Location Baltimore Town 
9 Sep 1762:32 (905)
Three Pistols Reward.  Ran away on the 13th of August
instant, from the subscriber of Baltimore-Town, a convict
servant man named Richard Brian, an Irishman, but last from
London, in the ship Dolphin, Capt. Craymer, a well made
fellow of tolerable address, brown complexion, short brown
curl'd hair.  Had on when he went away, a blue broad-cloth
coat with a velvet cape, blue broad-cloth jacket, snuff-
colour'd breeches, and black ribb'd worsted stockings.  Had
a variety of other cloaths, some of which he may have taken
with him.  He took with him a violin, on which he plays
well, and is a good singer.
  Whoever takes up and secures the said servant, so as his
master may have him again, shall receive the above reward,
and reasonable charges, paid by [signed] Barnabas Hughes.

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1762.09.09 
Publisher Green, Jonas 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1762 
Bibliography B0019386
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