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13 Jan 1763:22 (923)
Edinburgh, Sept. 27. This day Mr. Johnson performed his
surprising feats of horsemanship in Comely-Garden, to the
astonishment of all the beholders, who acknowledged that he
by far surpassed any thing contained in his advertisement,
of which the following is a copy.
1. He rides a single horse standing upon one leg, on his
back, and in that position puts the horse through all his
exercises, whilst the horse keeps time to the music. He
then stands with both feet on his back, whilst the horse
goes three times round the green on full speed. He then
lays the bridle on the horse's neck, and gallops him round
without the assistance of it.
2. He rides two horses, with a foot in each inside stirrup:
when the horses are at the greatest rate, he extends himself
between then, at full length; then raises himself up, and
vaults from one to one; stands upon the saddles upright, and
gallops three times round.
3. He rides three horses; and, when in full speed, tosses
his cap and catches it several times.
4. He rides a single horse, and mounts and dismounts while
the horse is on full speed; and, to the great surprise of
the spectators, leaps over the horse when at his greatest