Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1763.02.24

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Index Entry German flute, played by runaway named Goldsmith, Charles 
Location Philadelphia 
24 Feb 1763:42 (929)
Philadelphia, January 22, 1763.  Twenty dollars reward. 
Whereas a certain Charles Goldsmith, a handsome young man of
about 5 feet 9 inches high, long light-colour'd hair,
commonly plaited; about 28 years of age; is remarkable for
playing the German flute, which he took with him; had a cut
across the ball of his left thumb, a little pock-mark'd, is
a cabinet-maker by trade:  Had on when he went away, a new
coat. . . [4 lines] and rode away a small bay mare. --He was
last heard of, at one Wagstaffe's, in Baltimore, Maryland.
  N.B. As said Goldsmith has absented himself from his bail,
they are likely to suffer.  Any person that will arrest and
take him, so as he may be brought to justice, may depend on
being paid the above reward of twenty dollars, by the
subscriber or subscribers hereof. --'Tis likely he will
change his name.--As it is said he is bound for Carolina,
all masters of vessels are desired not to take him off, at
their peril. [signed] Edmund Milne, James Bennett.

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1763.02.24 
Publisher Green, Jonas 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1763 
Bibliography B0019410
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