Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1763.12.22

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Index Entry Drury Lane Theatre, Granby, Wilkes, Churchill honored by audience 
Location London 
22 Dec 1763:11 (972)
London, September 8.  Saturday evening last, the Right Hon.
the Marquis of Granby, John Wilkes, Esq; and the Rev. Mr. C.
Churchill, seated themselves in the same box at Drury Lane
Theatre, and received on the occasion such loud shouts of
applause from the spectators, as for some time interrupted
the performance.

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1763.12.22 
Publisher Green, Jonas 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1763 
Bibliography B0019453
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