Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1770.05.31

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Index Entry Automaton, by Gardiner, Peter, to perform several acts 
Location Williamsburg 
31 May 1770:2962 (1290)
By Authority.  For the Entertainment of the Curious, Will be
exhibited at the new Theatre in Annapolis, this present
evening, By Peter Gardiner,
A Curious Set of Figures, richly dressed, four feet high,
which shall appear upon the stage as if alive.
As also a Surprising View of Water-Works, representing the
Sea, with all manner of Sea Monsters sporting upon the
waves. Likewise,
Fire-Works, together with the taking of the Havannah, with
ships, forts, and batteries, continually firing, until
victory crowns the conquest;
To which will be added, a curious Field of Battle,
containing the Dutch, French, Prussian, and English forces,
which shall regularly march and perform the different
exercises to great perfection.
Also will be presented the surprising Art of Legerdemain,
consisting of large Machinery, &c. With a curious and
entertaining Lecture on Cards. He will
introduce a Windmill on the stage, which will turn into a
woman. The transformation done by clock-work. Also will be
presented a Building that will turn into an Orange-Tree,
with the appearance of the fruit growing upon it, and
afterwards the fruit will be transformed into birds, which
will sound the different notes of the air, with many other
feats too numerous to mention.
Tickets to be had at the door, Boxes 3s.9d.-- Pit 2s.6d.--
Gallery 1s.6d.
The doors to be opened at Five o'clock, and the
entertainment to begin at Seven.
* * * None can be admitted without tickets, nor admitted
behind the scenes, as the inconvenience must be obvious.
N.B. None of the above is represented by way of an optick
box, or peeping through glasses, but shall appear public on
the stage, conspicuously to the view of the spectators
without confusion.
[Hand pointing right] He will likewise perform on Monday
evening with several alterations.

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1770.05.31 
Publisher Green, Anne Catharine and William 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0019775
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