Citation |
13 Aug 1772:23 (1405)
Speak Well of the Dead or Hold Thy Peace.
Taken word for word from the Ghost's own mouth.
. . . [1/2 column] Hear O! Hear thou Holy Man! the
determination of an spiritual judicatory, from which there
lies no appeal! The outrage which thou hast offered to my
memory is beneath and all unbecoming thy birth, profession
and education. Thou hast done much amiss to take occasion
to disparage me, when I could no longer oppose thee with my
arm of flesh. How thine attempt to make thus
circumstantially publick thy conversations either at balls
or more private resorts, especially after such a lapse of
time, could possibly concern any man alive, I cannot in my
present situation determine. But in all thy future
repetitions be above every malignant suggestion! So may
none of the conversations of infirmities at balls, or in
less conspicuous circles, be rehearsed within thy corporeal
hearing, to deepen the jovial crimson of thy cheeks! . . .
[6 lines, signed] Umbra, Kent County.