Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1773.01.28

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Index Entry Burden, Tweedle-dum and Tweedle dee, in lyric [beg] Who has not heard, what 
Location London 
28 Jan 1773:41 (1429)
Sir, the following Ode was printed in England, and, I am
well assured, was the joint composition of three or four
eminent poets of this province; and that moreover, it was
not published till it had been perused by, and received the
approbation of one of the greatest men at home.  I cannot
help saying, that I think it a justice to my country in thus
restoring it.  Your readers mush acknowledge, that it
exhibits, at once, all the pathos, sense, and sentimental
connexion of some very late modern publications, [signed]
Yours, &c. Keep it up.
ODE TO SENSIBILITY.  Address'd to Miss Lucy Clarius, a
Celebrated Toast.
  Who has not heard, what few have seen
  The yellow robes of sprightly green
  Which o'er my Lucy's shoulders flow?
  Lovely Lucy, is't not so?
  . . . [3 verses]
  Sound the Trumpet, beat the drum,
  Tweedle-dee, and tweedle-dum.
  Gird your armours, cap-a-pee
  Tweedle-dum, and tweedle-dee.
  . . . [4 line postscript]

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1773.01.28 
Publisher Green, Anne Catharine and Son [Frederick Green] 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0019913
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