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14 Oct 1773:31 (1466)
By Authority. Mr. Wall, Comedian, on Friday evening,
October 15, 1773, will present, at the Theatre, a New
Lecture performed with great applause to a very polite and
judicious audience at New-York, and likewise at
Philadelphia: written by the author of the much admired
Lecture on Heads. The paintings , &c. are entirely new, and
never before exhibited in Annapolis.
First part. Introduction--physical imitation--modern
book building--bust of Sir Dimple Daisy--a broad grinner--
sheep's tail macaroni--thick stock ditto--turn down collar--
master Jackey--Diana the huntress--a sinical--a blood after
he has kept it up--a modern connoisseur--a reasoner--
election picture--origin of money--the center of friendship-
-head of somebody--and the whole system of modern English
politics displayed in the various heads of a busybody,
anybody, somebody, nobody, and everybody.
Second part. Ladies heads in high taste--mens hats--
macaroni thanet--corded thanet--broad band--court hat--a
fan-tail--ladies morning head dresses--head of a jew
conjurer--ancient conjurer--dexterity of hand.
Third part. Ladies high head dresses--artificial
candlelight face, and the appearance of the same face next
morning--the grand secret of attraction--two portraits of
the same lady in a good and ill humour--courtship and
matrimony--matrimonial vis-a-vis--the laws considered, case,
bullum versus botum--compleat macaroni--conclusion.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Wall at Mr. Philip Meroney's, of
Mr. Reynolds, and at the Coffee-house. --Boxes five
shillings--Pit 3/9. To begin at six o'clock.