Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1775.06.15

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Index Entry Theatre, metaphor of current events, King's presence chamber event 
Location London 
15 Jun 1775:12 (1553)
London. . . April 15. A Gentleman who was in the presence
chamber on Monday, when the city address and remonstrance
was presented, has given us the following account of the
conduct of the two principal actors in the tragi-comedy of
the day.  When the City-Council had read the paper, he gave
it to the Lord Mayor [John Wilkes], who delivered it to the
King with a half-bent knee, and a most profound reverence, 
His Majesty handed the petition to a Lord in waiting, and
then deliberately taking a paper from his pocket, read the
answer.  A silence of two minutes ensued, when the Lord
Mayor made a low bow, then retreated backwards to the middle
of the room, made a second, and in a like manner, a third at
the door, when the King moved his hat to his Lordship, and
thus ended the business.

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1775.06.15 
Publisher Green, Frederick 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0020037
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